how we got started

The SEQ Code was developed collaboratively by the five SEQ water service providers. It complies with Chapter 4A of the South East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009. The SEQ water service providers continue to work together to update and improve the SEQ Code over time. More information on how the SEQ Code was developed can be found on the Consultation page.


The core of the SEQ Water Supply and Sewerage Design and Construction Code is the five National Codes developed by WSAA:

  • WSA 02 Sewerage Code of Australia

  • WSA 03 Water Supply Code of Australia

  • WSA 04 Sewage Pumping Station Code of Australia

  • WSA 06 Vacuum Sewerage Code of Australia,

  • WSA 07 Pressure Sewerage Code of Australia


The National Codes have been widely adopted by WSAA members & associates for the urban water industry

Each water service provider is required to close out options within each National Code to accommodate their needs and preferences as well as local construction practices and products.

The National Codes are supported by the activities of other WSAA committees and networks that focus on broader issues such as sustainability, environmental management, asset management, water quality, quality assurance, water reuse and conservation, pressure and leakage management, OH&S, critical infrastructure protection, strategic products and construction materials

The National Codes are copyright protected by WSAA.  They may be purchased from the WSAA Code Shop. WSAA have recently changed to an eBook format for the latest editions of most of their codes. eBook users benefit from increased interactivity through technical diagrams and pop-up definitions, efficient navigation, quick and easy discovery of content, editing tools such as bookmarks, notes and highlighting, and the ability to send instant feedback straight to the Association. Viewing codes and standards on any device, especially smartphones or tablets, will improve access for practitioners in the field. It also ensures users are viewing the most up to date versions.

SEQ Editions of the Sewerage Code and Water Supply Code, incorporating the SEQ amendments to the base WSAA Codes, have been published by WSAA and can be purchased from the WSAA Code Shop in an eBook format. These are much easier to use than the previous code versions as the SEQ Amendments are embedded into the eBook instead of being a separate document.  SEQ users must ensure they purchase and use the SEQ Editions. SEQ Amendments to the Sewerage Code and Water Supply Code are no longer published, however, the Standard Drawings will continue to be published in PDF format on the Standards page.

For the Sewage Pumping Station, Vacuum Sewerage and Pressure Sewerage Codes, SEQ Amendments to the National Codes can be downloaded from the Standards page and must be used in conjunction with the base WSAA Codes. The SEQ water service providers may consider publishing integrated SEQ editions of these three codes in the future.


Other key documents that form part of the SEQ Code include:

These documents can be downloaded from the Standards and Products pages.


The five SEQ water service providers recognise that the SEQ Code will need regular review and revision. Standards should not be so immovable that innovation and new fit-for-purpose products are excluded. Details of how individuals and organisations can suggest improvements to the SEQ Code are provided on the Consultation page.