A consolidated set of design and construction standards for retail water supply and sewerage infrastructure in South East Queensland came into effect on 1 July 2013

These technical standards are known as the South East Queensland Water Supply and Sewerage Design and Construction Code (or the SEQ Code).

The SEQ Code streamlines the design and construction process for new retail water and sewerage assets across South East Queensland.

The SEQ Code does NOT apply to bulk water supply assets owned by Seqwater. Contact Seqwater if you require information relating to standards for bulk water infrastructure.


SEQ water service providers

The five SEQ water service providers that have worked together to develop the SEQ Code are:

Together these service providers own and operate essential water supply, sewerage and non-drinking water services for the three million people who live in South East Queensland. The SEQ Code is based on the National Codes that have been developed by the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA)

Why was the SEQ Code introduced?

Queensland Legislation required one set of technical standards to be introduced for the whole of South East Queensland. 

The SEQ Code is compliant with Chapter 4A of the SEQ Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009. The SEQ Code prevails over any provisions within the Councils’ planning schemes that relate to water supply and sewerage services infrastructure outcomes in SEQ.

The State Government gazetted the SEQ Code on 1 July 2013.

Who does the SEQ Code apply to?

The SEQ Code is applicable to all new water supply and sewerage infrastructure that will be owned by one of the SEQ water service providers (excluding Seqwater). It is of interest to developers, engineers, consultants, constructors, product suppliers, State government, local government, etc.